


An introduction

Sunday, 14 April 2013

My name is Rowan (if you hadn't guessed already from the blog title) and I'm 16 years old. I live in a small town in England and I am studying for my A Levels.
I've wanted to set up a blog for a while now but for some reason I kept putting it off, but now, after agonizing for longer than I like to admit about a blog name, here I am. I would love to just blog about travel, but because of my age, a lack of funds, and being at college, I'm "limited" to family holidays and college trips (although I am so grateful for the opportunities I do have). Until I am able to travel independently, I figured I might as well get a blog up and running so that when the time comes, everything will be in place for me to start writing about my experiences.
In the mean time, I'll be posting about a number of things that interest me, from cooking/baking to beauty reviews, as well as any travelling I have the pleasure of experiencing.
I guess that's all there really is to say right now, so I might as well sign off.


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